UNity is Strength: UN Joint Initiatives and their impact 2017-2022

Our outgoing UN Resident Coordinator Christine N. Umutoni believes passionately in her duty to promote coordination, coherence and joint action for SDGs. This publication highlights the value of multilateralism and international cooperation and underlines that collective action is critical in tackling global challenges which threaten progress towards achieving the SDGs. As you know, the UN reform strengthened coordination, making the UN entities greater than the sum of their parts.
This publication attempts to show some joint programmes and initiatives, implemented by the UN as part of the current SPFs, under the following areas– (i) Disaster risk preparedness and response, (ii) Partnership for green recovery and resilience, (iii) and Joint SDG advocacy in the context of the Multidimensional Vulnerability Index (MVI) for the Small Island Developing States (SIDS). It is by no means an exhaustive account of the UN work over these past few years; nor does it speak to individual UN agencies work, rather, it seeks to provide an overview of specific joint programmes implemented by two or more UN agencies, demonstrating UNity in action.