Press Release
07 February 2025
UNDESA Integrated National Financing Framework Workshop
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Press Release
04 February 2025
Achieving Seychelles National Development Strategy: The Benefits of an Integrated National Financing Framework (INFF)
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04 February 2025
UNDESA Empowering Seychelles to Mobilize Sustainable Financing
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The Sustainable Development Goals in Seychelles
The Sustainable Development Goals are a global call to action to end poverty, protect the earth’s environment and climate, and ensure that people everywhere can enjoy peace and prosperity. These are the goals the UN is working on in the United Nations Resident Coordinator's office for Seychelles:
20 February 2024
WHO increases funding for new Joint Work Plan with the Government of Seychelles
On 19 February the Minister of Health for Seychelles Ms. Peggy Vidot and WHO Representative Dr. Rex Mpazanje signed a two-year joint work plan for 2024-2025 to support universal health coverage and improve preparedness to address public health emergencies. WHO has increased its funding to Seychelles by one million US dollars bringing the total commitment to almost 3 million US dollars.
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24 October 2024
United Nations Day - For People, For Planet
Today the UN family in Seychelles was proud to commemorate UN Day with a healthy nature walk at the Baie Ternay Marine Park. Raising awareness about the interconnectedness between health and climate change, the team in Seychelles collaborated with Seychelles Parks and Gardens to strengthen their knowledge about the unique biodiversity of the island while improving their health through exercising outdoors.For Seychelles as a small island developing state (SIDS) the ocean forms the backdrop of our daily life and is a source of livelihood for much of the population. Climate change is heating our island, causing rising sea levels and degrading the coral reefs. In turn this endangers biodiversity and traditional ways of life. UN Day provides the opportunity to highlight the power of multilateralism to address seemingly insurmountable challenges such as the climate crisis.As the UN Secretary-General, António Guterres reminds us:“Hope requires determined action and multilateral solutions for peace, shared prosperity and a thriving planet.”For almost 79 years the UN has been and continues to be a symbol of hope and unity in this world. In these globally unstable times, the UN brings focus to economic development, human rights, environmental protection and humanitarian aid. On this international day we amplify our UN’s ambition to deliver on the Common Agenda for the people and our planet, in support of prosperity and peace. The determination to get the world back on track by working in partnership to boost action on the Sustainable Development Goals. As we celebrate UN Day 2024, our team in Seychelles reaffirms our commitment to a United Nations that can support Governments to deliver on the future we want and ensure we Leave No One Behind on our path to a more inclusive, resilient, and sustainable future. View the full UN Secretary-Generals message for UN Day here., filtered_html
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30 May 2024
Financing climate adaptation and mitigation in African Island States (AIS)
Under the leadership of the United Nations Development Coordination Office (UN DCO) Regional Office for Africa and the UN Resident Coordinators (RCs), this advocacy paper has been produced by the Economists from the UN Resident Coordinator’s Offices (RCOs) in five African Island States (Cabo Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mauritius, São Tomé and Príncipe, and Seychelles) and the Head of RCO and the Economist from the UN Development Programme (UNDP) in Comoros., filtered_html
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25 January 2024
Taking Action for a “clean” information ecosystem
Information pollution is a feature of our communication exchanges today. Ranging from spam messages cluttering up your inbox or unwanted advertising popping up on your social media pages to information being weaponized to incite violence, threaten democracy and human rights, and undermine public health and climate action. In his “Common Agenda” report the United Nations Secretary-General has identified the spread of mis- and disinformation and hate speech as an “existential risk to humanity” affecting all the Sustainable Development Goals.
Globally an estimated 67 percent of the world’s population is online as per the recent ITU Facts and Figures report. The figure for Mauritius is 68 per cent of people while in Seychelles is higher with 82 per cent. The vast scope for communications provided by digital platforms has brought about many incredible benefits to our society, increasing access to information, creating real-time engagement, and amplifying voices. But it is also evident that the sheer volume and questionable quality of information at our fingertips presents challenges of its own. This makes finding a solution to address the contamination of the information ecosystem no easy task.
Our UN Country Teams in Mauritius and Seychelles are taking action for information integrity to support a “clean” information ecosystem where human rights and freedom of expression can thrive. Here are some ways we are doing this:
Advancing internet integrity through national consultations for a voluntary UN Code of Conduct for Information Integrity on Digital Platforms bringing together stakeholders from human rights to tech entrepreneurs to share their recommendations on the 9 principles for the Secretary-General led voluntary Code of Conduct to be presented to member states at the Summit of the Future.
Empowering the youth internet users through the Noontime Knowledge Series led in collaboration with university students. The focus of the most recent series was privacy concerns around AI and its impact on youth rights.
Facilitating the visit of the Special Rapporteur on the right to privacy to Mauritius who examined privacy issues in relation to personal data, sharing of data across borders and cybersecurity, surveillance, artificial intelligence, gender, vulnerable persons, and children in the digital age.
The world is at a critical tipping point for digital governance. As we work to advance the 17 sustainable development goals it is vital that the international community prioritizes a digital space that's more transparent, inclusive and safe for all.
For more information:
UN Code of Conduct 9 Principles
ITU Facts and Figures Report 2023
Noontime Knowledge Series
Special Rapporteur on the right to privacy
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08 April 2024
Women Empowering Women in Seychelles
UNFPA in Seychelles, in collaboration with the Ministry of Youth, Sports and Family, hosted a High-Level Forum celebrating International Women’s Day 2024 on 14th March in Mahe. The Forum aimed to explore ways to invest in women, as per the IWD 2024 theme, and placed entrepreneurship as a vehicle for transformational change to address sustainable development issues. The High-level Forum saw the participation of the First Lady of the Republic of Seychelles and of female Ministers in the Seychelles. It was an opportunity to celebrate the women and girls who are championing the advancement of entrepreneurship and to promote women's access to various financing opportunities including start-up and growth of Small and Medium Enterprises. UNFPA brought in the specific perspective of investing in women’s health to ensure sustainable growth.Throughout the day, different panels and roundtables were organized with honorary and guest speakers to comprehensively discuss the challenges and opportunities for women’s empowerment and wellbeing in Seychelles. Mrs. Marie-Celine Zialor, Minister of Youth, Sports and Family gave a strong opening speech in which she brought up the importance of self-care, and the need for women to unapologetically invest in themselves. “Let us be bold, audacious, unapologetic. We wait for so long for someone else to celebrate us, let us celebrate ourselves.” Devika Vidot, Minister of Investment, Entrepreneurship and Investment called for women to come together to advance progress and development in Seychelles.“We live and survive hardships (...) Be bold, be different, make a priority to stand up for yourselves.” Ms. Lisa Singh, United Nations Resident Coordinator for Mauritius and Seychelles highlighted:"One crucial aspect of UN efforts is investing in women. By collaborating and supporting each other, we can amplify the impact of our investments and create opportunities that transform the lives of women and girls."UNFPA Regional Director for East and Southern Africa, Lydia Zigomo, congratulated Seychelles on achieving gender parity in education in Seychelles, as well as their impressive progress in reaching almost 0 in 2 of the 3 UNFPA’s transformative results. Despite these strongly positive numbers, Regional Director Zigomo highlighted that gender inequalities and harmful gender norms still significantly contribute to the inability of women and girls to claim their right to bodily autonomy in Seychelles and encouraged the country to continue its efforts to address the structural barriers which threaten the health, safety, dignity and life aspirations of adolescent girls and young women. “Ladies and Gentlemen, we have unfinished business, and we must work together with urgency, investing in women and seizing every opportunity to achieve the inclusive, equitable and sustainable vision of the ICPD.” It was a most inspiring forum, with testimonies from remarkable women in Seychelles, who in spite of challenges and obstacles, pushed on and in their own way, made their success. , filtered_html
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15 December 2024
Launch of UNESCO's IslandWatch Programme
On October 25, 2024, Seychelles became the first country to pilot UNESCO's innovative IslandWatch programme in collaboration with the Indian Ocean Commission. The launch brought together stakeholders from across sectors, including representatives from the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Agriculture, Climate Change and Environment, and the Blue Economy Department and the United Nations.The ocean and coastline form the backdrop of our daily life and is a source of livelihood for much of the population. Island Watch will leverage on this using a people-centred approach to provide opportunities for youth and adults to engage in meaningful environmental conservation actions. Using this citizen science approach the programme aims to enhance ecosystem monitoring. Digital and technological advances will also be used to gather and manage data. Importantly this initiative aligns with Seychelles' national strategic priorities and the Cooperation Framework for sustainable development underlying the partnership between the UN and Government of Seychelles. Minister for Education, Justin Valentin, emphasized the importance of using scientifically collected data to inform policy decisions. The IslandWatch programme incorporates lessons learned from the previous award-winning Sandwatch programme, which was first launched by UNESCO in 2001. Sandwatch engaged children, youth, and adults in monitoring and evaluating environmental risks and challenges and designing activities to address them. However IslandWatch will extend its scope beyond coastal ecosystems to encompass biodiversity, freshwater management, and other environmental issues. By promoting and enhancing environmental education, ocean literacy, coastal resilience and climate change adaptation the UNESCO IslandWatch Project will contribute to national, regional and global sustainable development. It will build on the outcomes of the SIDS4 conference that took place in Antigua and Barbuda in May where the focus on strengthening data governance and management was confirmed as a key area for SIDS. Enhancing data collection, protection, and sharing will provide critical steps for evidence- based policymaking and obtaining development financing.Zulmira Rodrigues, Chief of the SIDS Section at UNESCO stressed the significance of IslandWatch in empowering communities to protect the fragile ecosystems of our island nations that are on the frontline of climate change. She also underlined that the programme intends to strengthen local communities, support national policies and contribute to global efforts to protect the environment.Addressing the issues of climate change, requires global solutions, including financing and inclusive action at the national level. The launch of IslandWatch in Seychelles is a significant step towards fostering a more sustainable and resilient environment.Read more about the IslandWatch Programme., filtered_html
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20 September 2024
Promoting Safety and Inclusion on the High Seas
Port Victoria, Seychelles 30 June 2024 – The Republic of Seychelles serves as United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Global Maritime Crime Programme’s (UNODC GMCP) regional training hub for the Western Indian Ocean. Maritime law enforcement (MLE) personnel convened with counterparts from across the region in Port Victoria to receive advanced and specialized MLE training with UNODC international experts. Eight officers from the Seychelles Marine Police Unit, Seychelles Defence Forces, Tanzania Marine Police and Kenya Coast Guard Service completed the Visit, Board, Search and Seizure (VBSS) train-the-trainer Instructor Course under the mentorship and guidance of UNODC GMCP instructors on the delivery of VBSS content, presentation skills, the development of theory lessons, best practices for demonstrations and procedures, and trainee safety. With the successful completion of the course, the national trainers were certified to support UNODC GMCP instructors in delivering training in their home countries or at the regional level as a further step toward eventually delivering training independently. Corporal Isabel Robert, who has been with the Seychelles Marine Police Unit for nine years and has served as a training officer for the last five years shared, "I am honoured to serve as a national instructor in my country. I have grown significantly as an officer over the past three years with the UNODC programme. This experience has honed my leadership skills. It has deepened my understanding of the maritime domain, enhanced my career, and positively influenced my approach to training officers." She also highlighted:"With the knowledge gained, I now train officers in my unit, and being a female instructor, I wanted to be a powerful example and role model for other young women who want to develop a career in the maritime field." Corporal Robert's role as a female instructor within her unit underscores the importance of diversity and how this inspires other female officers to pursue leadership roles. The knowledge and skills gained from the UNODC courses supported her role as the boarding officer leading an operation that seized over 900 kilos of drugs alongside junior officers she had in-turn trained. Such efforts align with the UN's SDG 5 on gender equality by promoting women's participation in MLE. Inclusion of women in these courses enriches the training environment with perspectives often overlooked in a traditionally male-dominated industry.************************************************************************************Edited extract from the article "Western Indian Ocean: Sustainable Capacity Building & Women in Law Enforcement" first published on UNODC Eastern Africa website, read here., filtered_html
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20 September 2024
Collective Action for Our Common Future
The UN Country Team (UNCT) for Mauritius and Seychelles joined together today for a hybrid Town Hall with the intention of strengthening team spirit and supporting staff well-being. There are only days left until the Summit of the Future - the once-in-a-generation opportunity for the international community to address current and emerging global challenges and reform outdated international institutions. Our UNCT needs to ensure we are the strongest possible partners to the countries we collaborate with on their journey along the path of transformation for the sustainable development goals. Carving out time for the Country Team to share information and discuss pertinent information beyond our own silos is one such way to do this. Often town halls are also called “all-hands-on” meetings as they provide the opportunity to bridge the communication gap - for employees at different levels from different agencies to connect, which is essential for our team with colleagues based in different countries throughout the world. While world leaders at the Summit will have to make tough choices – to pave the way for global peace and prosperity, restore our planet, promote digital transformation and protect human rights for "Our Common Future". Our UNCT must take every chance to enhance our capacity to deliver, stronger, together on the outcomes of the Summit., filtered_html
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10 April 2024
Advancing Ethical Recruitment and Skills Mobility in the Indian Ocean Region
Traditionally, in the Indian Ocean labour migration goverance has been viewed as the exclusive responsibility of member states. Private Sector's Call for Concrete SolutionsHowever, the dynamics are evolving with employers' representatives advocating for practical, real-time solutions to address pressing issues, ranging from labour shortages across skill levels to the mismatch in skills and the transfer of skills. They emphasize the importance of rapid identification of labour market needs through comprehensive labour migration statistics. Moreover, employers demand evidence-based, transparent, and efficient labour migration policies at the national level. This includes accelerating and simplifying work and residence permit processes and refining systems for the recognition of qualifications.Southern Africa Migration Management Project's (SAMM) Initiatives**The SAMM project has been at the forefront of fostering dialogue and collaboration between employers and policymakers. In 2022, SAMM organized two significant workshops focusing on labour migration governance in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) and the Indian Ocean region. These workshops aimed to raise awareness among employers and gather their perspectives on labour migration governance.The first workshop, held in Johannesburg in partnership with the International Organisation of Employers (IOE), addressed business perspectives on labour migration governance in Southern Africa. The second workshop, in collaboration with IOE Policy Working Group on Migration, delved into the dialogue between employers and policymakers in the Indian Ocean region, specifically involving representatives from Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritius, and Seychelles.Challenges and RecommendationsDuring the workshops organized during the first week of October 2023, employers as well as the Government and Workers’ representatives highlighted challenges related to climate change, youth unemployment, and labour shortages in key sectors like construction, tourism, agriculture, fisheries, and ICT of the Indian Ocean region. Additionally, they pointed out the difficulties in aligning education with the job market and the reluctance of the national workforce to engage in low-skilled, low-paid jobs.The SAMM project's core initiative includes developing a Code of Conduct on the Fair and Ethical Recruitment of Migrant Workers in the Indian Ocean region and its self-assessment tool, which were endorsed by the participants. This Code, discussed during the workshops, emphasizes transparency, accountability, and proactivity in labour migration practices.Key Recommendations and Framework DevelopmentThe initial recommendations from the employers and Private sector include the creation of a Fair and Ethical Recruitment Code of Conduct, support for a Regional Free Movement of Persons Agreement, development of regional labour market information systems, and enhanced social dialogue involving social partners in skills recognition mechanisms. Hence, the SAMM project has been actively involved through the first and second workshops in October 2023 to presenting a Fair and Ethical Recruitment Code of Conduct as well as its Self-Assessment tool for the Indian Ocean region. Moreover, skills mobility frameworks were developed at national and regional level, emphasizing the importance of social dialogue, capacity-building, and strengthening labour migration governance in the region. The framework also explores bilateral labour migration agreements and temporary migration programs to address immediate skills gaps and promote skills transfer. Both regional documents were endorsed at country and regional level with a few minor edits.ConclusionThe evolving landscape of labour migration governance in the Indian Ocean region reflects a collaborative effort between the private sector, policymakers, and international organizations. By prioritizing ethical recruitment, skills mobility, and fostering regional cooperation, the region aims to create a fair and sustainable labour migration framework that benefits both countries of origin and destination, employers, recruiting agencies, and migrant workers alike. Through ongoing initiatives under SAMM, the Indian Ocean region is paving the way for responsible and inclusive labour migration practices.Find out more here.**************************************************************************The SAMM Project is implemented by the ILO in collaboration with the International Organisation for Migration (IOM), the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). , filtered_html
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08 April 2024
Delivering Stronger, UNited for People, Prosperity and Planet
The United Nations Country Team (UNCT) for Mauritius and Seychelles held their Annual Retreat entitled “Delivering Stronger, UNited for People, Prosperity and Planet” from the 3rd to the 5th of April of 2024 in Mauritius. It brought together UN agencies and their partners – Government, private sector and civil society - to strengthen cooperation and identify opportunities for new collaboration. During the Opening Ceremony at Maritim Hotel, Balaclava Ms Lisa Singh, UN Resident Coordinator for Mauritius and Seychelles highlighted this as a pivotal moment for the UNCT marking the first cycle of implementation of the new Cooperation Frameworks for sustainable development signed last year with the governments of each country.“Given the uniqueness of SIDS, many UN agencies have developed and are developing their SIDS strategy to better address their higher-than-average vulnerabilities to exogenous shocks. We also need to go beyond the small states narrative, for SIDS are more than small islands but large ocean states.”Joining remotely the Hon. Sylvestre Radegonde Minister of Foreign Affairs and Tourism of Seychelles underlined:“Through strategic planning and evidence-based approaches…we have the opportunity to affect change for every Seychellois and Mauritian. The loss and damage fund, the multi-dimensional vulnerability index and the outcomes of the forthcoming SIDS4 Conference are tangible steps that will supercharge the breakthroughs needed by us to achieve the shared vision of Agenda 2030 of leaving no one behind. By analysing our challenges and successes we pave the way for the strategic implementation of this Cooperation Framework.”In his opening remarks the Hon. Maneesh Gobin Minister of Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration and International Trade of Mauritius and Government of Seychelles emphasized:“Small Island Nations like Mauritius have unique inherent vulnerabilities which are often overlooked when it comes to resource mobilisation for development. We need to go beyond the GDP per Capita criteria and rapidly devise a vulnerability index tailored specifically for SIDS which will enable small islands to mobilise the adequate resources needed to address the urgent development challenges and the existential threats posed by climate change. This should be a priority at the forthcoming SIDS4 Conference in Antigua and Barbuda.”Panel discussions held during the Retreat comprised representation from across sectors to focus conversation on key headlight issues for each pillar of the Cooperation Framework (People, Prosperity, and Planet). They provided a platform for strategic dialogue to enhance collaboration across the UNCT and to collectively identify the pathways through which the UN will make a difference in the implementation of its Cooperation Frameworks. It was recognised that although both countries are experiencing outstanding sustainable development journeys, persisting challenges and vulnerabilities demand a proactively People-centred approach to ensure that UN interventions have a real positive impact on the lives and livelihood of people in Mauritius and Seychelles. Over the three days the participants looked at how joint action can drive change in the six transition areas positioning the UN as: a strategic adviser, a pivotal partnership broker, and a provider of high-level expertise to install capacities, boost public and private investments in sustainable development priorities, and ultimately to build resilience and advance SDG transformation.The Fourth International Conference on SIDS next month will be an opportunity to boost these ongoing efforts by fostering South-South and SIDS-to-SIDS cooperation, and joint action between Mauritius and Seychelles., filtered_html
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Press Release
07 February 2025
UNDESA Integrated National Financing Framework Workshop
As part of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) Financing for SIDS (FINS) initiative, the recently concluded Integrated National Financing Framework (INFF) Training Workshop, held at the Savoy Seychelles Resort & Spa from 4-7 February 2025, achieved its goal of empowering government officials with the tools needed to align Seychelles’ financing strategies with the National Development Strategy (NDS) 2024-2028. Through comprehensive sessions and dynamic group activities, participants from Ministry of Finance, National Planning and Trade (MFNPT), developed an actionable plan to address the country’s financing needs under the INFF to achieve the NDS.Workshop Objectives and Achievements
The workshop was designed to provide a deep understanding of the INFF’s four core components:
Assessment & Diagnostics: Examining Seychelles’ financing needs, evaluating the existing financing landscape, and identifying risks and policy constraints.Financing Strategy: Crafting actionable steps to mobilize and align public and private financing in support of national priorities.Monitoring & Evaluation: Implementing systems to track financing flows and assess the effectiveness of current policies.Governance & Coordination: Strengthening frameworks to ensure cross-sector collaboration and effective policy implementation.
Participants engaged in detailed presentations and practical sessions, including a focused module on SDG Budget Tagging, where experts demonstrated how to utilize data visualization tools and interactive dashboards to monitor progress toward sustainable development goals.
In-Depth Workshop Content and Group Activities
A significant highlight of the workshop was the series of collaborative group activities that encouraged peer-to-peer learning and in-depth analysis of Seychelles’ financing challenges:Interactive Table Discussions: Participants were divided into small groups, with each table assigned a specific aspect of the INFF, such as financing needs, sources of finance, risk assessment, and binding constraints. These sessions facilitated robust discussions, leading to the identification of key gaps and actionable recommendations.Group Activity Modules: Several sessions involved structured exercises where participants mapped out current financing practices and proposed innovative policy options. The activities were designed to simulate real-world scenarios, enabling attendees to apply theoretical knowledge to practical challenges.Hands-On SDG Budget Tagging Session: This module provided participants with a detailed walkthrough of compiling data files, matching budget lines to multiple SDG targets, and using PowerBi for data transformation and visualization. The hands-on approach ensured that all participants left with practical skills they could immediately apply.Collaborative Action Plan Development: Finally, participants, guided by facilitators, synthesized insights from all activities into a comprehensive action plan. This blueprint outlines the steps for applying the INFF approach to support the achievement of Seychelles’ NDS. UNDESA, through an embedded FINS Advisor, will support the MFNPT on the implementation of the Action Plan.
Participant Insights
Interviews and feedback from the workshop highlight that the training has built a solid foundation for future capacity-building initiatives, ensuring that the INFF framework will drive sustainable financing strategies well into the future.
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The workshop was designed to provide a deep understanding of the INFF’s four core components:
Assessment & Diagnostics: Examining Seychelles’ financing needs, evaluating the existing financing landscape, and identifying risks and policy constraints.Financing Strategy: Crafting actionable steps to mobilize and align public and private financing in support of national priorities.Monitoring & Evaluation: Implementing systems to track financing flows and assess the effectiveness of current policies.Governance & Coordination: Strengthening frameworks to ensure cross-sector collaboration and effective policy implementation.
Participants engaged in detailed presentations and practical sessions, including a focused module on SDG Budget Tagging, where experts demonstrated how to utilize data visualization tools and interactive dashboards to monitor progress toward sustainable development goals.
In-Depth Workshop Content and Group Activities
A significant highlight of the workshop was the series of collaborative group activities that encouraged peer-to-peer learning and in-depth analysis of Seychelles’ financing challenges:Interactive Table Discussions: Participants were divided into small groups, with each table assigned a specific aspect of the INFF, such as financing needs, sources of finance, risk assessment, and binding constraints. These sessions facilitated robust discussions, leading to the identification of key gaps and actionable recommendations.Group Activity Modules: Several sessions involved structured exercises where participants mapped out current financing practices and proposed innovative policy options. The activities were designed to simulate real-world scenarios, enabling attendees to apply theoretical knowledge to practical challenges.Hands-On SDG Budget Tagging Session: This module provided participants with a detailed walkthrough of compiling data files, matching budget lines to multiple SDG targets, and using PowerBi for data transformation and visualization. The hands-on approach ensured that all participants left with practical skills they could immediately apply.Collaborative Action Plan Development: Finally, participants, guided by facilitators, synthesized insights from all activities into a comprehensive action plan. This blueprint outlines the steps for applying the INFF approach to support the achievement of Seychelles’ NDS. UNDESA, through an embedded FINS Advisor, will support the MFNPT on the implementation of the Action Plan.
Participant Insights
Interviews and feedback from the workshop highlight that the training has built a solid foundation for future capacity-building initiatives, ensuring that the INFF framework will drive sustainable financing strategies well into the future.
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Press Release
07 February 2025
Achieving Seychelles National Development Strategy: The Benefits of an Integrated National Financing Framework (INFF)
The Financing for Small Island Developing States (FINS), a United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) initiative helps countries like Seychelles strengthen their capacity to mobilize and align financing with their national development priorities through the Integrated National Financing Framework (INFF) approach. An INFF enables countries to access all sources of finance – domestic and international, public and private – to achieve their national priorities.
As part of the FINS initiative, UNDESA in partnership with the Government of Seychelles will host an INFF Training of Trainers workshop from 4th to 7th February 2025, at the Savoy Seychelles Resort & Spa. This workshop will equip selected officials from the Ministry of Finance, National Planning & Trade (MoFNPT) with skills to apply the INFF approach to support the implementation of the Seychelles National Development Strategy (NDS) 2024-2028.
The Seychelles NDS 2024-2028 outlines the country’s priorities, including modernizing public services, promoting environmental sustainability, and enhancing economic resilience. The INFF workshop will assist Seychelles in aligning its financing strategies with these priorities. Ms. Shari Spiegel, Director of the Financing for Sustainable Development Office (FSDO) at UN DESA, who joined virtually, highlighted:
“This workshop, as part of the Financing for SIDS or FINS initiative, is designed to build the capacity of government officials in Seychelles to apply the INFF approach. The “Training of Trainers” format also ensures that participants will be able to share their knowledge and skills with other officials.”
The INFF Training Workshop aims to:
Provide a comprehensive understanding of an INFF and its four building blocks: assessment and diagnostics, financing strategy, monitoring and evaluation, and governance and coordination.
Enable participants to apply INFF concepts and tools in their roles within government ministries and agencies.
Develop an action plan on INFF application for the achievement of Seychelles NDS priorities.
The Training of Trainers component will ensure selected officials from MoFNPT can also train other relevant government stakeholders, creating a sustainable framework for integrating INFF into Seychelles’ long-term planning and financing goals.
This collaboration between UNDESA and the Government of Seychelles marks an important step in enhancing the country's ability to secure long-term, sustainable financing solutions. The outcomes of the workshop will provide a foundation for applying the INFF approach in achieving Seychelles’ National Development Strategy and serve as a model for other SIDS.
For more information, please contact:, filtered_html
As part of the FINS initiative, UNDESA in partnership with the Government of Seychelles will host an INFF Training of Trainers workshop from 4th to 7th February 2025, at the Savoy Seychelles Resort & Spa. This workshop will equip selected officials from the Ministry of Finance, National Planning & Trade (MoFNPT) with skills to apply the INFF approach to support the implementation of the Seychelles National Development Strategy (NDS) 2024-2028.
The Seychelles NDS 2024-2028 outlines the country’s priorities, including modernizing public services, promoting environmental sustainability, and enhancing economic resilience. The INFF workshop will assist Seychelles in aligning its financing strategies with these priorities. Ms. Shari Spiegel, Director of the Financing for Sustainable Development Office (FSDO) at UN DESA, who joined virtually, highlighted:
“This workshop, as part of the Financing for SIDS or FINS initiative, is designed to build the capacity of government officials in Seychelles to apply the INFF approach. The “Training of Trainers” format also ensures that participants will be able to share their knowledge and skills with other officials.”
The INFF Training Workshop aims to:
Provide a comprehensive understanding of an INFF and its four building blocks: assessment and diagnostics, financing strategy, monitoring and evaluation, and governance and coordination.
Enable participants to apply INFF concepts and tools in their roles within government ministries and agencies.
Develop an action plan on INFF application for the achievement of Seychelles NDS priorities.
The Training of Trainers component will ensure selected officials from MoFNPT can also train other relevant government stakeholders, creating a sustainable framework for integrating INFF into Seychelles’ long-term planning and financing goals.
This collaboration between UNDESA and the Government of Seychelles marks an important step in enhancing the country's ability to secure long-term, sustainable financing solutions. The outcomes of the workshop will provide a foundation for applying the INFF approach in achieving Seychelles’ National Development Strategy and serve as a model for other SIDS.
For more information, please contact:, filtered_html
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Press Release
05 April 2024
Delivering Stronger, UNited for People, Prosperity and Planet
April 03, 2024: The United Nations Country Team (UNCT) for Mauritius and Seychelles is having their Annual Retreat entitled “Delivering Stronger, UNited for People, Prosperity and Planet” from the 3rd to the 5th of April of 2024 in Mauritius. Bringing together UN agencies and their partners – Government, private sector and civil society - to strengthen cooperation and identify opportunities for new collaboration. This Retreat 2024 is a chance for shared learning and for enhancing UNCT collective engagement to streamline and focus efforts towards achieving national development priorities and Agenda 2030. During the Opening Ceremony at Maritim Hotel, Balaclava Ms. Lisa Singh, UN Resident Coordinator for Mauritius and Seychelles highlighted this as a pivotal moment for the UNCT. It marks the first cycle of implementation of the new Cooperation Frameworks for sustainable development signed last year with the governments of each country. The Resident Coordinator highlighted:“Given the uniqueness of SIDS, many UN agencies have developed and are developing their SIDS strategy to better address their higher-than-average vulnerabilities to exogenous shocks. We also need to go beyond the small states narrative, for SIDS are more than small islands but large ocean states.”Hon. Sylvestre Radegonde Minister of Foreign Affairs and Tourism of Seychelles who joined online underlined:“Through strategic planning and evidence-based approaches…we have the opportunity to affect change for every Seychellois and Mauritian. The loss and damage fund, the multi-dimensional vulnerability index and the outcomes of the forthcoming SIDS4 Conference are tangible steps that will supercharge the breakthroughs needed by us to achieve the shared vision of Agenda 2030 of leaving no one behind. By analysing our challenges and successes we pave the way for the strategic implementation of this Cooperation Framework.”In his opening remarks the Hon. Maneesh Gobin Minister of Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration and International Trade of Mauritius and Government of Seychelles emphasized:“Small Island Nations like Mauritius have unique inherent vulnerabilities which are often overlooked when it comes to resource mobilisation for development. We need to go beyond the GDP per Capita criteria and rapidly devise a vulnerability index tailored specifically for SIDS which will enable small islands to mobilise the adequate resources needed to address the urgent development challenges and the existential threats posed by climate change. This should be a priority at the forthcoming SIDS4 Conference in Antigua and Barbuda.”The panel discussions which are being held during the Retreat with representation from across sectors focus conversation on key headlight issues for each pillar of the Cooperation Framework (People, Prosperity, and Planet). They will provide a platform for strategic dialogue to enhance collaboration across the UNCT to collectively deliver on the commitments made in the Cooperation Frameworks for each country.With less than ten years left to achieve the SDGs, challenges have been clearly identified, and interventions targeted to maximize effectiveness. To that end, the Retreat 2024 for Mauritius will be forward-looking, aiming to catalyse action that is strategic, succinct, adaptable, and results-oriented and which integrates Leave No One Behind (LNOB) as the core unifying principle. WHEN: Wednesday 03 April – Opening Ceremony @9:30 am & Friday 05 April – Closing Ceremony @12pmKEY SPEAKERS: UN Resident Coordinator for Mauritius & Seychelles Ms. Lisa Singh; Minister of Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration and International Trade, Hon. Maneesh Gobin Minister of Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration and International Trade of Mauritius and Hon. Sylvestre Radegonde Minister of Foreign Affairs and Tourism of Seychelles; Mr. Antonio Pedro, Deputy Executive Secretary, UNECA, Mr. Yacoub El-Hillo, Regional Director DCO Africa. , filtered_html
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Press Release
19 February 2024
Innovative Approaches to Strategic Planning and Financing for the SDGs
Mahe, Seychelles: On the 19th of February 2024 the Government of Seychelles represented by the Minister of Finance, National Planning and Trade, Mr. Naadir Hassaan launched a weeklong workshop for government officials to build their capacity to use ‘Foresight and Systems Thinking for Strategic Planning and Financing for the Sustainable Development Goals’. The workshop is facilitated by the Office of the United Nations Resident Coordinator for Mauritius and Seychelles in collaboration with United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) and the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR).
The Government of Seychelles has identified strategic foresight and systems thinking[1] as two innovative approaches that can help make the most of limited resources and support the necessary investment to build the country’s resilience, from energy transition to climate action to economic transformation, while strengthening the social contract, the education and health systems. Twenty-three representatives from the Ministry of Finance, National Planning and Trade were trained in early February by the United Nations Resident Coordinator’s Office, UNITAR and UNDESA to form a pool of ‘trainer of trainers’ in strategic foresight and systems thinking that will sustain the knowledge transfer in the future. It is these ‘trainer of trainers’ this week who will work in partnership with the UN to build the capacity of 220 policy makers (PSs, CEOs, Finance Officers) from 87 public entities in these innovative approaches. Following the workshop foresight and systems thinking will be integrated in the strategic analysis and prioritization that informs sectoral plans and the budget process in Seychelles.
In his speech for the occasion, Minister Hassan highlighted the importance of this workshop, given the government’s mission to enhance and boost the capacity of public servants to ensure a higher level of service delivery to the general population. “We gather with a shared vision to reinvigorate and refine our internal policies and coordination strategies, aligning them with the priorities of the National Development Strategy and Sustainable Development Goals. This workshop is not just a formality; it is a commitment to empower officials from line Ministries, equipping them with the skills to navigate the intricacies of planning and budgeting."
"By embracing systems thinking and strategic foresight, our aim is to fortify collaboration across Ministries for more effective resource allocation and short- to long-term planning. Let’s not see this just as a gathering of individuals; it is a convergence of minds committed to catalyzing positive change.”
In this way, it is anticipated that embracing systems thinking and strategic foresight will contribute to a more efficient and coherent framework where public finances flow in the same direction avoiding duplication. Importantly, emerging opportunities and risks will be integrated to address the swiftly evolving regional and global development landscape that impact on the citizens of Seychelles.
Find out more here.
[1] Strategic foresight is a “Structured and explicit exploration of multiple futures in order to inform decision making”. Systems thinking focuses on the relationships between the different elements of a system from various dimensions (sectors, levels, space, time), and the perspective of actors (individuals, institutions, collectives), identifying the trade-offs and synergies that form together the political economy of a system. By doing so, Systems Thinking enhances financing targeting efficiencies, reduces transactions costs, and ensures intersectoral coordination and multistakeholder buy-in.
Media Contacts:
Ministry of Finance – Lindy Vital | + (248) 4 382005 |
UN RCO – Janee Connery | + (230) 55009908 |
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Press Release
24 July 2023
Consultations open in Mauritius ahead of the first major international conference on Small Island Developing States since the pandemic
Port Louis, Mauritius – 24 July: Consultations for the first major international conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS) since the global pandemic opens in Port Louis, Mauritius on July 24.
At the meeting, the small island nations of the Atlantic, Indian Ocean and South China Sea (AIS) will meet with international partners to review sustainable development progress and propose new partnerships and solutions in advance of the Fourth International Conference on Small Island Developing States in Antigua and Barbuda in 2024.
SIDS are in the crossfires of multiple crises: climate change, inequality and the economic and social repercussions of COVID-19, especially related to debt. COVID-19 hugely impacted all SIDS, especially the collapse in tourism that left large holes in coffers and severely set back efforts to invest in the Sustainable Development Goals, including climate action.
“Small Island Developing States are in the midst of a global crisis,” said Hon. Alan Ganoo, Minister of Land Transport and Light Rail, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration and International Trade of Mauritius. He continued, “We must send a collective message reaffirming our determination to address the complex challenges that we face.”
The eight AIS countries—Cabo Verde, Comoros, Guinea-Bissau, Mauritius, Maldives, Seychelles, São Tomé e Príncipe, and Singapore—represent significant differences in exposure to climate change, natural hazards, and global markets. Since independence, some have developed strong economies, but their size and geographies leave them vulnerable to economic and ecological shocks.
Climate-related disasters such as severe storms, floods, and drought have almost doubled over the last 20 years, and they affect SIDS like no other countries. In a sudden-onset disaster, SIDS can lose everything overnight.
SIDS are responsible for only 0.2 per cent of global carbon emissions and yet suffer most from the impacts of climate change. The constant cycle of disaster and recovery leaves them weakened and unable to build resilience.
“The eight SIDS spread between the Atlantic and Indian Oceans and the South China Sea are as diverse as communities can be,” said Li Jinhua, United Nations Under-Secretary General for Economic and Social Affairs, and Secretary-General of the 2024 SIDS Conference. “The United Nations is committed to supporting these islands in their quest for a more resilient and sustainable future. They may be geographically remote, but their problems are not theirs to face alone.”
19 per cent of the coral reefs in the world are in SIDS’ waters. The combined Exclusive Economic Zones of Mauritius and Seychelles – the waters they control – are bigger than the size of India. The meeting will assert that a sustainable future for the planet relies on a renewed and strengthened partnership between all island nations and the international community.
The Mauritius meeting is the first regional review meeting on the path to the Fourth International Conference on Small Island Developing States, taking place in Antigua and Barbuda in 2024. Further regional meetings will be held this summer in Tonga for the Pacific region and in St. Vincent and the Grenadines for the Caribbean. These meetings will be followed by a final interregional gathering in Cabo Verde.
The Antigua and Barbuda conference next year will undertake a comprehensive review of the implementation of the SIDS Accelerated Modalities of Action (S.A.M.O.A.) Pathway, a major international development compact agreed in 2014.
The Mauritius meeting will adopt an outcome document with recommendations that will feed directly into preparations for the 2024 Conference. The meeting will bring together ministers and senior government officials from SIDS across the region alongside representatives of development partners and the UN system.
For more information
UN 2024 SIDS Conference:
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Please follow any highlights and updates for the 2024 SIDS Conference using the hashtags #SIDS4 and #SmallIslands.
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On Twitter: @UN, @GlobalGoalsUN, @UNDESA, @SustDev, @UNOHRLLS Media contact Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States | Conor O’Loughlin | , filtered_html
On Twitter: @UN, @GlobalGoalsUN, @UNDESA, @SustDev, @UNOHRLLS Media contact Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States | Conor O’Loughlin | , filtered_html
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