UNDP Seychelles Country Programme Document 2024-2028

The country programme’s overarching theory of change is that if the agility of the public sector is enhanced through digital transformation; if the structural constraints to promote private sector participation, including for underemployed and/or marginalized women and youth, are addressed in national production and regional value chains; and if ecosystem services valuation for the blue and green economy is embedded in sectoral plans for financing investment in the Sustainable Development Goals to: (a) build resilience to climate change and natural disasters and adopt early warning systems; (b) sustainably manage natural resources; and (c) provide alternative livelihoods for women in fisher communities and at-risk and underemployed youth; then Seychelles can accelerate its trajectory towards a more resilient, sustainable and inclusive economy, with responsive public and private sectors aligned with its development goals.
UNDP will prioritize a human rights-centred approach, integrating gender equality, inclusion of youth and persons with a disability and vulnerability perspectives in policy and programme implementation. The programme will implement two complementary programme areas which directly impact the proposed UNSDCF outcomes through intersectionality with climate action and natural resources management, and interventions in socioeconomic transformation.