COVID-19 Socio-Economic Response Plan

The COVID-19 Socio Economic Response Plan provides direction for a multisectoral cooperation between the Government of Seychelles and the United Nations Country Team (UNCT) to address the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis in Seychelles. It has been developed to answer a request for support from GoRS, and it provides an integrated and coherent framework for action from the UNCT following the UN Global framework for socio-economic response to the COVID-19 crisis.
The objectives of the response are to ensure the continuity of essential services during the remainder of the
crisis, to mitigate the crisis’ social and economic impacts on the population in the short to mid-term (up to mid
2021), and to support a coordinated and multisectoral recovery effort in a way that leads to a nation more resilient
to future stresses and shocks.